Bonjour/Bonsoir/Nesquick (rayez les mentions inutiles),
Je crée ce topic pour présenter une marque méconnue :
Woodo Qui sont-ils ?
Site web de Woodo
Woodo Guitars is a Swedish company which focuses on producing high quality bass guitars and electric guitars with unique design. Intruments are made of different hardwood materials and constructed using "Neck Thru"-design. Vi demand for the best combinations of woods and electronics and still deliver instruments with competitive prices.
As for myself with the background of a sound engineer and years of experience in producing music to film, theater, television, performance, radio etc. I'd like to share the single reason behind Woodo Guitars : A genuine passion for fine musical instruments.
Que font-ils ? (un indice : des basses)
Site web de Woodo
Woodo Bass Guitars delivers the finest design and highest quality. Thanks to the Neck Thru design these instruments have an extremely long sustain. Woodo Bass Guitars are made of the best hardwoods in the world. Models range from a 4-string to a 6-string and even to a 7-string bass. Certain models even come left handed or fretless.
Woodo Bass Guitars are equipped with Passive / Active switch for extra reliability and flexibility. You can switch between these operational modes in an instant. The electronics is powered by two 9 volt batteries giving you the full 18 volts onboard performance.
Vi use Kent Armstrong soapbar pickups on our bass guitars. These pickups deliver a pure, thick and punchy tone. Even the low B comes thru effortlessly with clarity and thickness.
As for the hardware vi use Wilkinson tuners in our instruments. They truly hold the tune in hardest conditions.
Comment font-ils pour avoir des prix attractifs ? (aux alentours de 600/700 ?)
Site web de Woodo
Woodo Guitars are Made in South Korea. South Korea is considered as one of the best countries in the world in the field of producing musical instruments. In early 70's many of the big guitar labels moved their production to Japan and a few years later to South Korea. As we know, those Asian instruments from that time bear extremely high quality. During this transition of manufacturing, western guitar builders took their luthier traditions to South Korea and those skills are highly esteemed by the biggest guitar brands of today.
(Voilà le secret, en fait ce sont de belles basses d'usine.)
Qui joue dessus ?
Je n'en connais pas beaucoup :
- Simon Andersson (ex Pain of Salvation)
- Ben (Dysfunctional - Death prog expérimental Nantais)
Mes impression
J'ai eu entre les main la basse du Nantais sus-nommé (une B5 Spalted Maple).
La basse est très confortable, elle est arrivée très bien réglée. La finition semble correct, excepté le vernis qui est étrange :-/ Je ne peux pas dire qu'il soit cheap, ça à l'air de bien tenir, mais par endroits on pourrait croire, au toucher, qu'il y a des bulles d'air...
Au niveau du son c'est plutôt bon, assez passe-partout/polyvalent en fait. Si j'en avais une je la ferais bien modifier pour lui coller un pavé type MM au cul.
Quelques vidéos sur le Tube