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10 raisons d'haïr Avril Lavigne

19/08/2003 02:25:14
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Why do people like her in the first place? "I think she's cool. And I love her style, it's so individual. She doesn't parade around in skimpy clothes like everyone else. Her success is based on the fact that she's a good musician, and that's admirable" - Heidi, 18 Whoa, wait! Let's break that down.

1. Avril DID NOT get her success based on her talent. She debuted on MTV. She sold her soul to the devil when she signed that record contract, just like she's selling out. Her band was "given" to her, she didn't meet them. n.b: the band can accually play their instruments.

2. Avril DOES wear skimpy clothes. Quoth the loser-"My ass-crack showing is my trademark". I will not show the disgusting plumber butt pictures here. She also walked around in a bikini. Quoth the loser on Britney-"[Why would a person] fucking wear a bra down the street?" and "Britney Spears is such a hoe cake."

3. Avril CANNOT play the guitar, or any other instrument for that matter. She never plays the guitar live, with one exception, and she warned her fans that she "totally sucks!" Her publicity shots with her guitar show her holding it the wrong way, and strumming non-existent chords. Her Complicated video shows her playing ONE chord, a G-chord, which isn't even in the song. She also has publicity photos of her playing the drums... Heh, she was holding one drumstick UPSIDE DOWN and make a fist around the other. She can't even hold them.. Her cd doesn't list her for guitar credits at all.

4. Avril DID NOT start any trends. She rode on existing trends, capitalizing on their popularity. I am angry that anyone would laud Avril for "bringing back the tie on girls". Alternative girls across the country have been wearing ties since the early 90s. The SPICE GIRLS, were wearing ties before Avril. Get this, Avril has a STYLIST. In fact, she has many stylists, ready to scout out another trend, making a comeback. She is the client of Stephanie Wolf, who goes and gets the ties etc. FOR Avril.

5. Avril CAN NOT skate. She could skate her way out of a gaping hole in a half pipe. Quoth the loser -"I like wiping out and hurting myself and crying. And I like to show off my bruises. And, me and the guys just like to mess around on them, even though we all suck."
"Dude, I suck," is her typical response when asked about her shredding skills. "I mean, I like to skate, it's fun, but ... I like to do it in my free time. I don't want someone to shove a camera and a board in my face and be like, 'Here, let's see what everyone's talking about.' Because it's not like I'm a pro. I fall a lot, but I mean, everyone falls, you know." -- from

6. Avril IS incredibly RUDE and IMMATURE. She makes horrible comments on other popstars. She thought it would be funny to run away and play hide and seek from a new bodyguard that was being assigned to her. She pisses everyone off. She doesn't want preppies to listen to her music, and refused to autograph things for people dressed like "preppies" at her concert. She was rude accepting her VMA award, but then got drunk off her ass afterwards. She was kicked out of hotels for disturbing the other people there. She thought she was funny, and um, witty. She stole a strawberry from a hotel cart. (how bad ass...) She was acting stupid in a bar (she's 17, 18?) with Sum 41, trashed it, and thought it was funny when they gave her a wedgie.
"The other night, I got into three fights," says Lavigne. "I was at a club and some girl was giving me attitude. When people are drinking, they get mouthy. She pushed me, and I got her down on the floor. Security came, and because I was on top, they threw me out." --from

7. Avril's music SUCKS! She sounds like a fucking country singer, for the first part. In fact, she was supposed to be marketed as one. Her favorite band is Hanson. Then she tries, um, RAPPING? Next thing we know there'll be Shanikwa Lablingbling. Are her lyrics DEEP? hmmm... "She was a girl, he was a boy" blah blah blah complete shit! She's not the cheerios in somebody's spoon, how deep!!! In "Mobile" she complains about having to go on tour, and other crap. This was written before she even became famous, how the hell would SHE know?

8. Avril is a COMPLETE DUMBASS! But what do you expect from a high school dropout who spells boy with an "i"? She looks like one too, underneath those 2 tons of whorish eye make-up. In her interview with YM, she was going on and on about getting married and other stupid fantasies of hers. She talked about the "thing the guy has to lift off of the girl's face to kiss her"... She doesn't know that it's called a veil?! She got fired from some chicken place, nobody really gives a shit, but then she had to sing a SONG about it.

9. Avril's PAST is a lie. She is just like Vanilla Ice, making up things to make her more hardcore. In reality, she was raised to be a christian school girl. She was a cheerleader. She sang at fairs. She sang COUNTRY music at those fairs. She wanted to be like Martina McBride or Shania Twain. Quoth her former manager- "She didn't know Blink 182 from Madonna".

10. Avril will not be, nor has ever been a SKATER PUNK. She is not skater, she is no punk. The two things are different, distinct movements/styles/musical genres and she is neither. She couldn't name a Ramones song to save her life! Yes, she DID say she was punk. She's even bared her undies, that read "Punk Princess". She's worn pins with "Kiss me, I'm Punk" on them. She's lied and conived and contradicted herself. She has, above all, said that she was punk. End of story. I don't buy her shit, 3 months later, when she takes everything back. After the backlash, the shameless little bitchass poseur says "Oh, I didn't mean it THAT way..." right.

"She is not a skateboarder; she is not a punk. She is not from the streets. She is from a middle-class family in Napanee. She is from a very safe neighbourhood," "Skater? No. Punk? No. They've sold her out. The expectations are now that shes this badass, whos smashing her gutair in a slick video. Thats as programmed as anything else, and it's such teeny-bopper-trying-to-be-cool stuff. She's not a punk. Shes probably more contrived then Britney Spears ever was. Avril has the potential to be real, but right now, shes a poseur." --Clint Fabri, Avril's former manager
19/08/2003 02:32:29
hehehe l'est vnr :p
enfin moi je prefere shaki c tout dire...
19/08/2003 02:39:40
bien sûr j'ai oublié les tites photos[/IMG]

et la meilleure:
[IMG]" alt="Slappyto" />

19/08/2003 05:36:29
hair cun bien grand mot!!!
19/08/2003 07:06:14
Au fait môssieu RZGuru le donneur de leçons d'orthographe, on dit "de haïr" et pas "d'haïr" Tout comme one ne fait pas la liaison dans "un hérisson" ou "des haricots".
19/08/2003 07:08:08
elle reconnait au moins kelle ne sait pas faire du skate mais bon ca on s'en fout...
19/08/2003 08:54:33

je glisserais bien entre ses reins...
19/08/2003 10:22:22
hahahaha trop fort (chuis qd meme un d'acc ac jordu)
19/08/2003 10:47:43
jordu: le probleme, ce ke c seulement pour cette raison kelle nous saoule partout avec sa daube...
19/08/2003 11:02:03
mais rappelez vous de la photo que j'ai mis dans le topic sur kyo ! attention messieurs !
19/08/2003 11:03:54
ah oui c vrai la ca me retire tt envie d'elle
19/08/2003 11:39:49
Jordu> Vraiment ? Entre ses reins ? Eh ben mon vieux...

Laisse-tomber l'idée...

Je sais, les goûts et les couleurs, ça se discute pas, mais sérieusement, quand tu supposes qu'elle a dût coucher pour en arriver là... Elle a surement plus d'expérience que toi !
19/08/2003 11:48:59
lol je me rappelle des photos sans maquillage, de la reprise de chop suey... ça va devenir l'anti fan claub français d'avril ici!!!
19/08/2003 11:56:49
Au fait Môssieur Concombre, moi je qualifierai plutôt ceci de faute grammaticale et non de faute d'orthographe, mais je m'en fous je suis anglais! muahahahahahah
19/08/2003 13:32:18
Pas mal du tout!
Ploum>> lol! La reprise de Chop Suey est assez impressionnante je dois dire...
19/08/2003 16:19:11
@Je sais bien que c'est une faute de grammaire. Je n'ai dit nulle part que c'était une faute d'orthographe. J'ai juste appuyé sur le fait que quand on est juge des autres, on fait aussi gaffe à soi

Allez, viens driner a cup of tea à la maison sans rancune.
19/08/2003 16:21:55
fo trouver d raison de hair les anglais
19/08/2003 16:25:15
@arg: ouste toi

@concombre: ms euh c t juste pr te taquiner, pas pr juger bon ok prepare le thé, je veux du lipton quoique du Ceylan...
19/08/2003 16:26:58
19/08/2003 17:27:54
moi, perso, étant un musicien d'expérience, con album est pas mal du tout, surtout que c'est elle qui compose...
19/08/2003 17:33:34
19/08/2003 18:47:24
non tu trouve ou c'est ironique?!! :-S c plat, vide sans interet et vraiment chiant comme la mort... en dehors de sa fausse gueule de minette (j'aimerais voir ce qu'elle donne sans maquillage on aurait une surprise je pense) elle n'a vraiment pas grand chose....
19/08/2003 18:56:03
jai "cherché" sur le forum et jai pas trouvé la photo, elle est ou ?
19/08/2003 19:02:50
si tu cherches sur le net tu trouveras des photos de sa gueule sans maquillage, elle est ignoble.
19/08/2003 19:38:46
no comment

19/08/2003 19:53:59
le pb c ke elle est devenu celebre trop rejoint le debat du commercial..elle serait resté dans son coin personne auré dit ke c t de la contraire...mais a part ca je crois ke ya pire kan meme...regardé ces jeunes ki ne jurent ke par sum 41, SOAD ou Good charlotte.....

19/08/2003 20:29:20
c'est pas pire, c'est exactement la meme chose, on atteint les bas fonds musicaux avec tout ça.
19/08/2003 20:33:25
Mais bon, SOAD, ils on existé avant d'être célèbre, ils ont des vrais textes et ils composent eux mêmes. Et en plus ça a fait un peu de changement quand tous ces jeunes ne jurait que par Slipknot.
Enfin, dire que SOAD c'est pire qu'Avril, c'est un sacrilège.

En fait vous connaissez la chanson Scato Boy
19/08/2003 20:35:39
A voir la tournure que prennent les différents posts (surtout les derniers !!) je propose d'aller voir du coté du topic "plein le cul" ou le sujet se rapproche etrangement de celui ci...(pas la peine de griller 2 topics pour la même discution, non ?)
19/08/2003 20:35:40
"Et en plus ça a fait un peu de changement quand tous ces jeunes ne jurait que par Slipknot."

Ce sont ces memes jeunes comme tu dis qui ne jurent aujourd'hui que par SOAD.